Sunday, 15 July 2012

Day 23: Unit 9- Waves Day 2

"Can you hear me now?... Good!"

Piano has been a part of my life since I was four years old. Who knew that waves and piano were so connected! Anything that involves sound travels waves! As I play piano I press the keys, which cause a small hammer inside of the piano to fall on a string and its vibrations give off sound waves. The vibrations travel to your ear and vibrate your ear drum. So as you listen to me play the piano, the sound waves are vibrating in your ear!!

Each note on the piano has a different frequency. That's the reason why it sounds different. However, the reason you are able to play chords is because all notes on the piano travel at the same speed. Piano ties in with physics more than I thought it would!


  1. Jess i really liked how you connected this lesson to something that has been in your life for a while :) and that was beautiful you played cannon beautifully :)

  2. wow, good job at piano! I like how you explained how the piano works, and how sound is made from piano.
