Monday 25 June 2012

Day 10: Unit 5- Forces in Equilibrium

Unit 5!

Today, we learned about three of Newton's three laws of motion!

Newton's First Law- Objects in motion (or rest) will tend to stay in motion (or rest) unless acted upon an outside, unbalanced force.
-In other words, a moving (or still) object will NOT change velocity or accelerate unless something affects it. For example, if an unmoving soccer ball was on a field, it will never move unless a person kicks it (a.k.a. the outside, unbalanced force).

Newton's Second Law- Force = Mass x Acceleration ( F = ma )
-There really is no easier way of saying this! But another important equation we learned today is Weight = Mass x Gravity.

Newton's Third Law- To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
-This law was the most confusing to understand, but law itself seems to be pretty self explanatory.

The picture I took above was at my cousin's birthday party! One of her friends hitting the piñata clearly demonstrates Newton's First Law. When the piñata is at rest, it will forever stay unmoving. However, if a little kid with a bat hits the piñata (a.k.a. the outside, unbalanced force), it will move.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to write all the laws down. I know the lesson was a bit confusing to understand, but great notes!
