Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 13: Unit 4 - Unit 6 Summary

Quarter 2... Done!

Oh how time flies when you're having fun! We're half way done with Physics! This past quarter feels even more fast paced than the last!

In Unit 4, we learned more about kinematics and projectile motion. Projectile motion is when an object moves vertically and horizontally.  As it moves vertically, it accelerates and is only affected by gravity, and as it moves horizontally, it moves at a constant velocity. For example, tossing a volleyball is projectile motion. Something important to remember about projectile motion is that it's axes are independent!

Unit 5 and Unit 6 both focused on forces and Newton's laws of motion. However, Unit 5 dealt with objects that were in static equilibrium, which are objects that stay the same, while Unit 6 dealt with objects that accelerated or were in dynamic equilibrium.  In unit 5, we learned about the different forces and how to draw free body diagrams. To me, free body diagrams really helped me understand forces a lot better!! In Unit 6, we learned more about objects in acceleration, such as a car accelerating or a pulley pulling an object down. It was pretty much Unit 5 + accelerating objects

Phewwww... Almost there! Another semester to go! :)


  1. JESS! I love how you broke down the quarter into the different units and then went into great detail to talk about each one and what we learned. I totally agree with you though, about how it seemed to have gone faster than last quarter!

  2. I can't believe summer school is halfway done :) I like your summary, I think I'll use it to study for the test tomorrow :P
