Monday 18 June 2012

Day 5: Unit 3- Uniform Acceleration

Unit 3!
In unit 2, we briefly learned about acceleration in position vs. time graphs and velocity vs. time graphs. However, in unit 3, we learned more about acceleration, its impact on speed and velocity, and the equations that are involved with it. We also did a lab and word problems about acceleration and its equations.

Acceleration is the rate at which velocity changes and it's units are meters/second/second or meters/second^2. Because acceleration is impacted by changes in speed or velocity, acceleration can occur in the positive and negative direction. Some equations we learned about were:

Distance = 1/2 (acceleration)(time)^2 + (Initial velocity)(time)
d = 1/2at^2 + vot

Final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration)(time)
v= vo + at

(Final velocity)^2 = (initial velocity)^2 + 2(acceleration)(distance)
v^2=  vo^2+ 2ad

I took a picture of a little structure I made with three books, a few DVDs, a very low chair, a container, and a golf ball. The books were used as the slope and the DVDs, chair, and container were used to make the slope steady. I dropped the golf ball at the top and watched as it rolled down the slope. This is like our lab with the board, but on a smaller scale! :)


  1. WOAH, JESS! this post is awesome! I actually took pictures of a marble rolling down a ramp for my post too, but I ended up not using it. haha anyway, I like how you included the equations as well as descriptions on what we learned and then gave an example!

  2. I like how you made your own experiment at home! I never even thought about doing that... haha. Really cool!
