Thursday 28 June 2012

Day 12: Unit 6- Forces That Accelerate

Unit 6!

Unit 6, like Unit 5 dealt with forces. Unlike Unit 5, Unit 6 focused more on accelerating objects. We did more reviewing of the different concepts of Newton's laws of motion, pulley problems, and free body diagrams.  Pulley problems are a very good example of forces that accelerate because as time passes, the mass on the bottom will pull down the mass on the top faster and faster no matter how light the bottom mass may be.

My picture is of Aleina and Lizzie at Ice Palace!! (You should know who they are by now.) Because ice is a good example of something that doesn't have too much friction, if I pushed Lizzie or Aleina, they would travel at a constant velocity until they are affected by an unbalanced outside force. We know this because Newton's First law states that objects in motion will tend to stay in motion unless affected by an unbalanced outside force!
If Aleina happened to run into Lizzie while skating, the amount of force Aleina had when bumping into Lizzie would be the same amount of force Lizzie would be exerting on Aleina due to Newton's Third law.

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