Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 8: Unit 4- 2D Kinematics: Projectile Motion

Unit 4!

Unit 4 was about 2D kinematics! One of our main focuses in this unit was projectile motion is when an object moves up and down AND side to side and the SAME time. For example, when you toss a volleyball to someone else, the ball not only goes up and back down, but it also moves horizontally. In projectile motion, we learned that the "x" axis and the "y" axis do not depend on each other. Because they are independent, when we are given numbers and values in a question, we have to be able to know if it is an "x" or "y" value. At first, it was a hard idea to understand. But after we looked at the moving cannon demonstration and the lab, it became easier! 

Besides projectile motion, we also learned more about vectors and how they are related to triangles and other geometry concepts. We can use vectors to solve for the velocities of the horizontal and vertical object.

The picture above is an example of projectile motion. My family went to the beach a few years ago and took a picture of my cousins throwing rocks into the ocean. This is an example of a projectile motion because it forms a parabola and it moves horizontally AND vertically! As the rock is released, it moves towards the ocean at a constant velocity. However, its movement vertically is different due to gravity!


  1. Haha I had no idea what your picture meant until you explained it x) This lesson was definitely a little bit more difficult to understand, but we got it in the end :)

  2. I agree with Sarah^ I didn't get how the picture was reverent to what we learned at all first, it's makes a lot on sense though! Good job covering the whole "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" rule, it was a little confusion at first but now we get it with the whole break it into vectors thing!
