Wednesday 20 June 2012

Day 7: Uni 1- Unit 3 Summary

Quarter 1.... Done!
It's hard to believe that we're already 1/4th of the way there! Out of everything we've learned these past three units, the biggest lesson I learned was how big of an impact physics has on the world we live in.

But more specifically, in unit 1, we reviewed the differences between qualitative vs. quantitative and accuracy vs. precision. However, something that I learned more about were pendulums and their relationship to mass, length, and angle and how to read graphs and their relationships.
Unit 2 focused on kinematics and the study of motion. This unit was completely new to me! It was kind of hard at first, but after being able to understand the difference between the new vocabulary and how to read the graphs, it became a lot easier. I learned about the difference between the scalar and vector values, the difference between the slope of a position vs. time graph and the slope of a velocity vs. time graph, and how to solve problems with the distance equation.
If I thought unit 2 was confusing, unit 3 was extremely confusing. At first, I had a hard time reading the graphs and understanding how they related to each other. But after practice, I was able to tell how the position vs. time graph, velocity vs. time graph, and acceleration vs. time graph corresponded to each other. Something else I learned in unit 3 were how to use the equations to solve for certain values in a problem. Problem solving has always been a weakness for me, but after practice, I feel like I got better!

Quarter 2! BRING IT ON! :)


  1. Great summary of everything we have done for this first quarter.

  2. Good to see you so psyched for the new quarter. Hope you have lots of fun with rockets (followed by explosions and ambulance sirens).
