Thursday 14 June 2012

Day 3: Unit 2- Kinematics: The Study of Motion

Unit Two!
Unit two was about Kinematics, which is the study of motion. We learned that all motion is relative to an object, a bunch of vocabulary such as scalar and vector, the distance equation, how the slope of a line on a distance vs. time graph relates to velocity, graphing distance vs. time graphs and velocity vs. time graphs, and how to calculate average speeds.

Scalar is a quantity that has magnitude (or as we put it, muchness).  An example of scalar would be distance (which is how far) and speed (how fast or slow. Vector is a value that has both direction and magnitude (OHHH YEAAAAAAAH).  An example of vector would be displacement (how far with direction) and velocity (speed with direction). The distance equation is distance = any speed (time). We also learned that the slope of a line on a distance vs. time graph equals the velocity, the slope of a velocity vs. time graph equals the acceleration, and that the area under the curve of a velocity vs. time graph is the distance traveled or displacement. When calculating the average speed, we take the total distance traveled and divide it by the total time.

The picture above is a picture I took on the bridge on Punahou Street while walking home. I chose this picture to represent Unit 2 because we talked about how all motion is relative to an object.  If one car on one side of the freeway and one car on the other side of the freeway are moving at the same speed but in different directions, from one car, it appears that the other car is moving at a faster speed and vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for Despicable Me! (: One of my favorite movies! I like how you defined new vocabulary and talked about the opposite sides of the freeway example. I used that too, and I know have more ways to describe it, making me understand it better! (:
